Thursday, December 16, 2010

Whoa....we're halfway there......

The Brisbane show is over!

It was possibly the best night of my life - from the backstage tour, to the touching (!), to our fantabulous seats - it was amazing.

We picked up our tickets and merchandise when the backstage tent opened at 2pm - ran into Debbie and Jo from the fan club and did a lot of excited chattering with them. Raced home and got back to Suncorp just before the backstage tour started. It was great to see the stadium all setup ready for the show, but empty.

Met up with our tour guides Kendra and Jon's brother Matt (they have the same white teeth) and I got in trouble with Matt for taking a photo while walking down the stairs. Something we had been told not to do six seconds earlier. Whoops. Then we got split up in to smaller groups and then we got to head in the backstage area - it was amazing - so much stuff in one little area. There were so many cables, and screens, and buttons and wires and holy crap it was hot in there. Then we got to go past Jon's quick change area - we weren't allowed in (bummer), but got to see it. Twas very exciting to think in a a few hours JBJ would be standing there sweaty and sans shirt :-)

Then a white light came down from the heavens (or it may have been a techie testing a spotlight) and shone upon.....Jon's white mike stand. Squeal! And yes I got to touch it where he touches it.

We also got to see all Jon's guitars - completely forgot about shaking his maracas though! Never mind, next time. And oh yes there will be a next time.

Then we got to go up on stage. It was so weird being up there and looking at the view they get. The stage is so tiny, there is just so much stuff packed into the area. We saw Tico's drums and David's keyboards and Richie thingy that goes "waw waw" and then got to walk out onto the circle part of the stage that goes into the crowd. That was freakin' awesome.

Then we headed downstairs and lordy be we got to have a photo taken with the guitar Richie uses to open the show with every night. I was terrified I was going to drop it - hence the terrified look on my face:

We also got to see all of Richie's other guitars (I think it was 34 in total) and Kendra gave us one of his picks to take home. Score.

Next up was a chat with Matt who answered any questions we had and then we headed off to dinner. Dinner was great - we ate where the crew were eating and the food was really good.


Our seats were freakin' amazing - 2nd row dead in front of Richie and close enough to the circle to make the dash when they walked on to it. The setlist was pretty much the same as Melbourne, but I really didn't care, just being that close up made the show awesome (plus any Jovi song is a good one.) Anyway they were about the 3rd song in and JBJ came and stood right in front of me, looked directly at me and SANG TO ME! I was so overwhelmed I forgot to get my camera out and I just stood there and looked like a nincompoop instead. The world slowed down and it felt like 5 minutes, but I'm sure it was only 5 seconds (best 5 seconds ever!). Then JBJ headed the other way and ran out onto the circle and started to come around - I vaulted over everyone (benefit of sitting on the side) and positioned myself ready for a hand slap. Unfortunately he finished the hand slaps and started to run off the circle, but then stopped right in front (above) me to sing something and do jazz hands. I thought "not missing out on this opportunity" so I put my hand through the bars, grabbed his leg mid calf and ended up with a vice like grip near his ankle. He finished singing, ran off (not in horror I hope) and I screamed. I screamed a whole lot.

After a while Jon and Richie moved to the circle to sing some songs (I'll be there for you - siiigggghhhh) and as they were going back to the main stage Richie was heading my way so I put up my hand and got a Sambora high five. He ran off (again not in horror I hope) and I screamed. A lot. Good grief - Joneee and Richie in the same night. I was a very happy camper.

Anyway the show was amazing and was another two and half hours of pure Jovi awesomeness. I can't wait to see what happens in Sydney. Saturday afternoon I am going to the Q&A with JBJ (how can you not say yes to an email with a subject of "ever wanted to be in a small room with Jon Bon Jovi?") Derr.

Next stop Sydney....two down....two to go!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Number 1 - Melbourne

So...the Melbourne show is done!

IT. WAS. AWESOME. I don't even need to add an exclamation mark to that statement, that's how good it was. Two and half hours of just Bon Jovi doing what they do best.

Anyway though rewind a few days back to the start - got to Melbourne and was picked up by Lady Chauffeur Lopez as I had booked my flight to the wrong airport - whoops! Apparently I don't understand the phrase "Don't book a flight to Avalon". It was Oprah mayhem everywhere as she was supposed to be appearing at Federation Square. It was rumoured that JBJ would also be appearing so some fans had been there since the wee hours of the morning - Oprah didn't show up until 4pm and even more unfortunately JBJ wasn't there at all. Lucky I didn't hijack the Lopez/Robinson Hyundai and demand to be driven there :-)

We had dinner at this place called Misty Diner - good gravy it was fabulous! All the food was amazing (and so very American!). Next day did some shopping in Melbourne (my fav shop Minotaur), spent an hour trying to explain to Cara that JBJ does not wear a wig and lurked around the place until it was time for me to be dropped off at my hotel. I'm pretty sure they were glad to see the back of me and my Jovi hysteria :-)

Hotel was great - used my fancy settings on my camera to take a panorama shot. Turned out fancy. Also showed me what a freakin' mess I can make of a hotel room in 10 minutes:

Had some food and then it was time to head for the stadium - was so happy to find that my hotel was pretty much across the road from the concourse to the stadium. Perfect!

Met up with some friends and we had a Jovi chat (the best kind) then went inside.....purchased a $5 bottle of water (bargain!) and headed to my seat. The show was starting at 8pm as it was being streamed live over the net. That means that someone in Japan, Scotland or even the North Pole may have heard my screaming. Lucky them.

My view was pretty good - I was right at the side of the stage, but very close. Had the most annoying person in the world in front of me for a while - she danced like she was at a hoedown (hands on hips and frantic bending at the waist from side to side) was very odd. I eventually had to step back and left some other person/sucker in front of me as she was about to whack me in the head. But it was hard to distract me from the main attraction:

Loved the show so many highlights. Took heaps of pictures - it's hard not to get so caught up in trying to get that perfect picture that you actually miss what is happening. A couple of times I had to force myself to put the camera down and just watch what going on in front of me.

Anyway, Brisbane down....three to go.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jovi: 5 days to go. It Begins.

Okay so we are 5 (that's right people FIVE) days out from the first Bon Jovi show I'm going to in Melbourne. I thought I'd share with you all some of my calm, non-panicky, laid-back, totally nonchalant feelings about my upcoming Jovi experience:


Yes that's right, if you didn't know already, I'm possibly ten seconds away from the wetting of the pants. I really hope I don't implode/explode prior to December 11 or I will have wasted a lot of money on tickets, flights, hotels and other general Jovi merchandise.

So here's the story for those not currently in the know....

Friday 10th - fly to Melbourne, have awesome catch up with awesome friends Cara and Anita and their various awesome cats. Possibly drive them batty with Jovi talk and ask if we can stalk the band around Melbourne. They will be more than ready to push me out the door Saturday.

Saturday 11th - MELBOURNE SHOW! Am in pretty good section (A1) Row P, seat 1. Seat 1 will be great if it's the side nearest the pit so fingers crossed:

Sunday 12th - fly home to Brissy and resume normal working day on Monday. Possibly drive everyone at work insane with talk of how Jon looked, how Jon sounded, how Richie played guitar, every facial expression Jon made, what band was wearing etc etc. They will be more than ready to see me leave work Monday.

Tuesday 14th - DA DA DUM! First VIP Package I've got for this tour. Mum (the lucky woman) and I will be going to Suncorp stadium, getting a backstage tour, some goodies and dinner. Then we get to see the show from the Pit, SECOND ROW. Oh yeah. He is totally touchable from there:

Wednesday 15th - rest and recovery. Also a trip to the dentist, but I don't really think anyone is really that interested in that (me included.)

Saturday 18th - fly to Sydney with my wonderful sister in law Jo. Then at 3pm I'm going to a Q&A with the man himself. That's right, I shall be in a small room with JBJ. Yes people I do realise how dangerous this may be, but I'm willing to take the risk. But what shall I ask him? I really want to know if he likes cats - if he doesn't unfortunately things can never work out between us, but possibly may be a waste of a question. So am still working on the perfect question and praying I don't stand up, open mouth and keel over. This could be a tad embarrassing although the question "Is there a Doctor in the house" would be quite appropriate.

Saturday night Jo and I are heading to the show - I'm so glad I get to go to a show with her! We have seats in the lower half of one side of the stadium which will give me another view of the show:

Sunday 19th - I wave 'bye bye' to Jo and have a day kicking myself for whatever embarrassing thing happened during the Q&A (something will happen - of this I have no doubt). Then that night is my final show - another VIP package - in the Pit, THIRD ROW!

Monday 20th - head home to Brissy and prepare slide show of every single photo I took to show everyone I've ever met. Shed a tear that it's all over and start panicking that I haven't got Christmas presents for anyone sorted.

And that's it!

But never we commence the countdown to....


103 days to go.

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