I have actually been out having a social life (shocker huh) so here are the highlights of the past couple of weeks.....
Avenue Q
Two words: Freakin' hilarious. Went with the lovely Michelle H and the former crazy cat lady of Rocklea - Cara R. Check it out at http://www.avenueqthemusical.com.au/ - although I'm pretty sure that as I've taken so long to blog about it, the Brisbane run is finished. Sorry about that.
Even funnier than the show though was the dinner that we scoffed down in about 3 minutes when it arrived 10 minutes after we should have left the restaurant. Then we commenced the 6 minute light jog/walk/sprint to the Performing Arts Centre. I still have the stitch in my side from that journey. The worst part was that the food that arrived late was the BEST thing I have ever tasted. Flaky pastry, caramelised onion, goats cheese.....sigh. At least I wasn't poor Michelle who had ordered shoestring chips - I've never seen anyone dip chips in Aioli and shove them in their mouth so quickly. Sad gluten-free girl.
Michelle's Taco/Karaoke Birthday Party
The next night was the celebration of all things Michelle. We started the night at Montezuma's - the most magical Place in the world for celiac Henderson.
Then it was off to Karaoke - so much fun. Highlight of that night had to be MoMan "getting on up" while wearing a curly white wig. Funniest. Thing. Ever. Hurrah for prop boxes...
Also weoall did an amazing version of Thriller (including dance moves!) Good times.
RSPCA Gala Dinner
Next event was the RSPCA Gala Dinner at the Convention Centre. Great night and everyone really dressed up in the 20's theme. Some people went a little too far - the theme was flapper, not slapper ladies!
The fabulous Meredith was in town so she came along and we ate and drank, and ate and drank, and drank and drank and drank. Oooh and we also had a drink. We also got to do lots of photos with our "Juuuuunnnnne" poses:
Briony pretty much stole the show as demonstrated in the picture below. Poor Sophie escorted her from the premises.
And I think the whole night was summed up by the sad shoe heel I found abandoned in the Convention Centre on the scary patterned carpet. Who breaks their heel, but doesn't pick it up to take it home with them? Odd. Things are fixable people!
Roz's Farewell Party
The last event on the social calendar was the bowling party to say "so long" to the wonderful Roz who is going off to spread her magic to the volunteering department of the Mater Hospital (lucky them!) It was so much fun - I was pretty bad at bowling (well it's a sport - duh), but much better at paying out everyone else who was only doing slightly better. Nice work me!
Briony managed to beat us all by forgetting to let go of the ball and shooting herself up the lane. Don't think she knocked any pins over either.
Minne fell in love with the Deal or no Deal machine and got a little over-excited with the NO DEAL part of it:
However we all (Michelle and I) were really excited when she won hundreds of tickets and got to pick a fabulous prize from the cabinet (200 tickets = dollar value 99c)
Not quite sure why she wanted this pen....
We did all get a memento of the night (and Minnie's big deal win) with erasers from the prize cabinet (100 tickets = dollar value 0.02c). Rickland and thong boy were pretty happy.
Shiny topped off the night by winning an enormous stuffed mouse (now a humping friend for Pepe the chi I believe) from those claw machines. Who wins those? Those claws aren't strong enough to pick up a cotton bud! Props to my home girl
Well that's about all.
Oooh I also got a new Microwave. The wattage is so high, what used to take my 20 year old beast 10 minutes takes the new one 3 seconds and I am burning everything.
Peace out.
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