So Backstreet was definitely back last night at the Entertainment Centre. Leonie worked herself up to fever pitch all day and almost imploded before the concert started. Here she is holding her tickets to paradise...
But we didn't have too long to wait guessed it...BACKSTREET WAS BACK!
They were older, balder and a wee bit chunkier, but they still had those boy band moves:
Nick had a few "special" moves and facial expressions. Actually everyone in this photo just looks awkward really.
B-Rock (Ricklands fav) was looking very spunky in this business-casual outfit (including awesome hat!)
As soon as Rickland spotted her man, this was pretty much her expression for the rest of the night:
Two hours later it was all over and Rickland had to wave "bye, bye, bye" to her *ahem* boys. Next time they come they may all be in zimmer frames although I can hardly talk with my Bon Jovi "boys". Each time they come back for another year I do a silent cheer their positions on the hip replacement list must have moved up.
So off we went home....singing fantastically to BSB all the way and laughing at the suckers who parked in the Entertainment Centre and were stuck in the traffic (thanks for the tip thong boy!)
Now we just have to save up the $520 for the VIP meet and greet session next tour.....booyeah!
what was the tip from thong boy anita??? where's the best parking spot? don't tell me you got out of there quicker than the ZZZ row seats?