Monday, February 1, 2010


Today is a perfect day to think back and remember things that made me smile. It will be a challenge, today was a tough one, but I know I can find them.

The first was is easy - Kiki! Kiki is a little dog who was surrendered and was very timid. She is being fostered by Shiny Briony at the moment while she is recovering from her desexing and her issues in her "back end" :-) Anyway she is doing really well and Briony bought her in to have her stitches removed. So of course she came down to see her Auntie Anita and get a cuddle (or seventeen):

Another thing that cracked me up was getting up this morning to find the mysterious black Tucson still parked across the road. I'm sure that Michelle is secretly staking me out to make sure I get to work. That said, as I type it's still there and it's now been four days. When should I call someone or check the backseat for a body?

One more thing that made me laugh was the thought of Michelle being refused for jury duty. I can only imagine the reason why...maybe she was wearing the hat that stresses people out?

Plus of course the following people made me smile as they always do: Michelle, Stacy (fuzzball), Roz, Briony, Rickland, Rob, Jo, Mum, Dad, Julie, Taylor, Sarah and many more. Special mention goes to Fiona who knows what she did to that puppy in the BA Yard.

Here's to a better day tomorrow (and more smiles!)

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