Monday, February 15, 2010

Another 10 photos from a phone

As I had a crap load of fun with the last 10 photos I decided to do another 10. So once again here are the random photos on my phone and why I thought that moment was interesting/funny/cute/momentous enough to have a photo taken.

1. This was Michelle's Birthday last year I think. It was at Montezumas (Gluten Free!) and here is Michelle celebrating her free birthday chocolate mousse, wearing her fancy sombrero and clapping to herself. I like to think she is saying "Franks & Beans"....

2. Same day - we tend to go slightly overboard for birthdays and we all had fabulous Princess Michelle birthday tiaras to wear for the day. Mel had very cleverly covered up Dora the Explorers picture with one of Michelle. I think I was trying to do a coy face, which I'm pretty sure I didn't pull off.

3. Same day again. Apparently we were really enjoying taking photos of ourselves wearing these tiaras.

4. Ooooh this was at my very first AFL game. I have no clue who was playing against the Lions but I do remember they won and it was very cold, hence the reason I am sporting a beanie. Not sure why Rob looks slightly crazed and I look like I have no teeth.

5. Awwwww it's Cubby. This was one of Michelle's foster kittens that she fostered when he was about 3 weeks old and needed to be hand-reared. Two years later and he is still at Michelle's house - he was just that adorable. I love Cubby. Even after he clawed me and ruined my future career as a stomach model.

6. My furry babies. Well two of them anyway. Rosie and Cleo were curled up together on my bed one morning and I remember thinking I just had to take a photo. Two seconds later they were fighting with each other, but for a few seconds all was well in the household.

7. This one baffles me a little. It was taken at my previous job with TrakHealth and they are obviously birthday cakes, but why there is two I don't know. I'm pretty sure that is Julie's hand (if there is cake you'll find me and Julie!), but I haven't a clue who it was for, or why I took a photo.

8. Who said animals in the workplace were a bad thing? Michelle continues to type and work hard even while hoisting Lulu over her shoulder. This was when Lulu was a puppy, but she is now fully grown and still does that. It's freakin' adorable.

9. I'm pretty sure this is Michelle (due to the necklace) worming a kitten. It might be Cubby's friend Tubby who Shell also fostered, or it could be one of my fosters. Maybe you remember Michelle?

10. This was the Pearl Jam concert in Brisbane a few years back. We had front row AA tickets and were close enough for Eddie to pour wine from his bottle into our cups. Such a great show.

Bonus Photo - couldn't resist. Here are Cubby and Tubby all curled up together back when we were allowed to have animals in our offices (free roaming!). They were just so cute together.

1 comment:

  1. hey neeta, i think I made you one of those birthday cakes? (the smarties on top give it that 'homemade' look). And I can't recall who bought the other one... I'm sure mine was better though. ha ha.


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