Yes that's right, if you didn't know already, I'm possibly ten seconds away from the wetting of the pants. I really hope I don't implode/explode prior to December 11 or I will have wasted a lot of money on tickets, flights, hotels and other general Jovi merchandise.
So here's the story for those not currently in the know....
Friday 10th - fly to Melbourne, have awesome catch up with awesome friends Cara and Anita and their various awesome cats. Possibly drive them batty with Jovi talk and ask if we can stalk the band around Melbourne. They will be more than ready to push me out the door Saturday.
Saturday 11th - MELBOURNE SHOW! Am in pretty good section (A1) Row P, seat 1. Seat 1 will be great if it's the side nearest the pit so fingers crossed:

Sunday 12th - fly home to Brissy and resume normal working day on Monday. Possibly drive everyone at work insane with talk of how Jon looked, how Jon sounded, how Richie played guitar, every facial expression Jon made, what band was wearing etc etc. They will be more than ready to see me leave work Monday.
Tuesday 14th - DA DA DUM! First VIP Package I've got for this tour. Mum (the lucky woman) and I will be going to Suncorp stadium, getting a backstage tour, some goodies and dinner. Then we get to see the show from the Pit, SECOND ROW. Oh yeah. He is totally touchable from there:
Wednesday 15th - rest and recovery. Also a trip to the dentist, but I don't really think anyone is really that interested in that (me included.)
Saturday 18th - fly to Sydney with my wonderful sister in law Jo. Then at 3pm I'm going to a Q&A with the man himself. That's right, I shall be in a small room with JBJ. Yes people I do realise how dangerous this may be, but I'm willing to take the risk. But what shall I ask him? I really want to know if he likes cats - if he doesn't unfortunately things can never work out between us, but possibly may be a waste of a question. So am still working on the perfect question and praying I don't stand up, open mouth and keel over. This could be a tad embarrassing although the question "Is there a Doctor in the house" would be quite appropriate.
Saturday night Jo and I are heading to the show - I'm so glad I get to go to a show with her! We have seats in the lower half of one side of the stadium which will give me another view of the show:
Sunday 19th - I wave 'bye bye' to Jo and have a day kicking myself for whatever embarrassing thing happened during the Q&A (something will happen - of this I have no doubt). Then that night is my final show - another VIP package - in the Pit, THIRD ROW!
Monday 20th - head home to Brissy and prepare slide show of every single photo I took to show everyone I've ever met. Shed a tear that it's all over and start panicking that I haven't got Christmas presents for anyone sorted.
And that's it!
But never we commence the countdown to....
103 days to go.
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