Oh, it is important.
Very very important.
I knew they were doing a world tour, but wasn't getting too excited as "world tour" doesn't necessarily mean that Australia is included. Apparently we aren’t part of the world according to some tour promoters. I'm just thankful I don't live if New Zealand. They get nothing. Or Perth. They get less than nothing.
Two weeks ago my wonderful sister in law Jo, who has been well trained to inform me of all things Jovi, messaged me and told me about the small blurb in the Sunday Mail that gave hope that the Jovi was in fact considering coming to Australia in December. Not just to Australia, but to Brisbane! Last time they only played in Melbourne and Sydney and I had to go to Sydney and stay in a hotel that was across the road from a Hooters. Not classy.
Now I was on the lookout for any information pertaining to confirmation of said tour. And last week the same paper confirmed the story and even gave a date and a venue. GLORY BE! Life is good!
But not for long.
I then realised I was entering stage 1 of the Bon Jovi concert preparations - securing the best tickets possible. Stage 1 is not fun. No one enjoys this stage. But it must be done. Stage 1 back in 2007 nearly caused my parents, brother, sister in law, co-workers, the telstra network and possibly the group of people I was training, a nervous breakdown.
I've done my research and there are three dates I can get tickets:
First chance tomorrow - these are the pre-pre-sale tickets for members of the Bon Jovi fan club (member since 1983*). The tickets include the elusive VIP concert package tours which include food, drinks, and *dances in joy* a front row seat. Sweeeet. Ever since I was second row back in 2002 and got sweated on, all I want is front row and the chance that there could be contact. Any sort of contact - I'd be happy to touch his shoe (ala Keith Urban 2009 - still talking about that concert). Front row ticket – want, want, want!
Second chance next Wednesday - these are the pre-sale tickets for visa card members. These also include packages, but not sure what sort yet and if there will be the front row packages. These tickets are obtained via a website but this is a highly volatile site and seems to crash if more than three people logon at once.
Third and final chance is the Wednesday after next – these are the tickets on sale to the general public. Do not want to have to get to this level of desperation. Refuse to sit in row ZZZ. REFUSE!
So tomorrow is the first chance to lay my hands on the golden ticket. Cross fingers. Cross everything. If you hear a scream around 9am, Thursday 24th June 2010, please say a prayer for me that it’s a happy one
*only really a member since 2008. In my head though I’ve been a member since 1983 so I think that counts.
Good Luck!!!! Will be crossing my fingers n everything else for you... :)