1. This was taken a while ago (I was blonde!) at work in my old office. Ah the good old days. Anyway this is me and Bobby - I fell in love with Bobby and would love to have adopted him, but not sure my cats would have been quite so agreeable. Bobby had many talents including an evil laugh, saying "good boy Bobby" and "Boobies!" Bobby got adopted so I hope he is having a great time laughing evilly at his new owners. I heart you Bobby.

2. This was taken at Bubba Gump's restaurant in Honolulu. I was having lunch with Julie, Simon and Lola and this was some sort of fruity cocktail that was so scrummy. The other thing I remember about this lunch was the tower of onion rings. Mmmmm, onion rings.

3. This is mum having dinner with me before the Michael Buble concert at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre. We had the best night and a great dinner. Can't wait for him to come back so we can see him perform again.

4. Ahhh, this photo goes with number 5. This was when I drove my brand new car into the undercover garage at home and hopped out to open my garage door. It was then I realised the car was still in drive and moving forward. Luckily this door stopped it and was damaged a lot more than my car. After potentially seeing a huge bill from a door repairman, I rang my brother and here comes photo number 5...
5. Rob is the master. He got the door open, fixed it and got it shut again. Nice work Robs!
6. Here's Roz holding a cute little dog. I think it might by Holly - the only screaming dog I have ever met. Really. She screams.
7. Here's Rob again with one of his patented "scary" faces. This was taken at Sizzler and he is making his gang sign "the snake"
8. Here's Roz again at work with a puppy. This time in a hat. I'm not sure who the puppy is, but it's very cute!
9. And here's Michelle at work, this time it's her turn to hold a cute puppy. Michelle was demonstrating how a summer shawl can be transformed into a puppy holder.
10. Last but not least, here is a pair of jeans that I wore to work one day and then realised around lunchtime they had a huge hole in a not so appropriate area. So I thought it would be fun to write all over them with my sharpie (love my sharpie!) and my new red glitter pen. I took this in the car on the way home during a traffic jam. I think they look pretty good - I'd buy a pair!
Anita, tell Michelle she should totally market the 'shawl doggy carrier' idea.. hey - if it's good enough for babies, why not dogs?